Free Shipping Over $50
Free Shipping Over $50
Free Shipping Over $50
There’s nothing slow about the styling look ofthe Duette Tortoise Sport Rocker shoe! This contemporary take on a classicprint will take your style points from 0-60 in nothing flat and keep youcomfortable and supported, too! Warm brown tones in caramel and umber let youpair this classy shoe with lots of different color attire. The sport rockeroutsole is made of a dual-density polyurethane that increases your support,balances weight distribution, provides excellent shock absorption and gives youbetter rebound with each step. Slip-resistant and stain-resistant, you’ll besteady on your feet no matter how fast your day goes and you’ll look wonderful,too. Double elastic gores make the Duette easy to slip into and out of. Perfectfor multi-tasking, the Duette is a great choice for nurses and busyprofessionals of all types. Enjoy a pair today!